
Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Flame Cocktail

If you're lucky enough to work for a governmental institution or one that follows the government calendar (like so many in my neck of the woods) than you probably have tomorrow off. If you don't have the day off, maybe a cocktail will help you make it one more day. I made this cocktail almost every night last week because it is so fresh and zingy. It has a hot pepper simple syrup which adds a really nice warmth to the back of your throat. I do not like spicy foods, but this drink balances the spicy very well and makes it something fun and novel.

In planning my Thanksgiving meal this year, I keep going back to zesty, bright flavors to play a contrast to all the heavy, sweet and starchy dishes that must always be at the table. I think this drink would work really well along side say a Caramlized Onion and Bacon Dip while waiting for the cook to finish up cooking or in place of dessert for people who can't think of having anything else sweet and stodgy.

The Flame Cocktail
Inspired by a cocktail at Harth Restaurant
This cocktail does have some odd ingredients, but simple syrup is a cinch to make and I wouldn't get too caught up in the vodka flavor- just pick a vodka flavor that sounds good to you. I can attest to orient apple but I bet orange would be good too!

  • 3 oz Orient Apple vodka (try plain apple or orange vodka)
  • 1 oz Cranberry Juice
  • .75 oz Lime Juice
  • 1 oz Hot Pepper Simple Syrup (link to a recipe I have not tried)
  • Splash of Pineapple Juice
  • Frozen cranberries (for garnish)
Combine all ingredients in a shaker filled with ice. Shake until the shaker is almost too cold to handle. Strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with frozen cranberries. 

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