
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tuiles- Take Two

After such a dismal baking performance with this month's Daring Bakers Challenge, I promised myself to try again. And I'm so glad I did- no unnecessary chocolate powder, no ovens turning off and proper timing led to some truly scrumptious treats filled with lemon flavoured whipped cream.

This time, my dough was white

Burning my fingers for the sake of DB

All dressed up!

Might have to revive these confections for an afternoon tea this spring.
Simply delicious.


  1. you definitely got it right!!! how long did it take to make??? this looks like a treat my friends would like...

  2. Thanks! These were actually super easy to make-as long as you make sure to take them out of the oven at the right time! Mine didn't looked cooked at all- just brown around the edges- but they were perfect. And if they seem soft after cooling, a quick trip in the fridge hardens them right up.
