
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cinco de Mayo

Someone told me that this holiday was actually invented by Corona and that it's not really observed in Mexico. I'm sure I could use the "internet" and "look it up" but I don't really care because any "Mexican" holiday gives me an excuse to eat nachos, drink margaritas and watch a western. So we kicked off this year's festivities at my local (and perhaps only) Mexican restaurant: Crazy Homies- which I really thought was a joke. I mean, could a restaurant in the States EVER get away with that name?

Since Crazy Homies is literally within shouting distance of my flat, the boy and I go quite often. Well- we try. When my mom and her friend were in town we managed to snag a table at 6pm. When we tried to go with some buddies a couple weeks ago at about 8, we were told to maybe come back in about 1 HOUR and 45 MINUTES- Come on! he would barely put our name on the waiting list. The problem with this joint is that the people who work there can't handle pressure and just don't care to please the customer. One review for the place said that you shouldn't take it personally if you're ignored- you just need to claw your way in and grab your waiter when you need them.
My mother, thoroughlly enjoying the mexican atmosphere

But the food is really great- super fresh and pretty authentic, despite some olives and radishes sneaking onto my "burros".... There's a great range of tequillas to choose from and the cocktails are a double- which almost excuses the £6.95 for a Classic Margarita.

On the first thursday of every month, DJ Wheelie Bag guests spots with his "original shopping trolley sound system" playing some R&B, Willie Nelson, Julia Lee, Rockabilly and what Kris called "old Ska".
Since Kris and I can't always afford our Margarita craving, we had to find our own recipe and this is pretty damn close:

The Classic Margarita
  • 1 Cup Tequilla
  • 1/2 Cup Fresh Lime Juice

  • 1/3 Cup Triple Sec (such as Curacao)

  • Rimming Salt

  • 1 Lime cut into wedges

Mix the first three ingredient in a shaker with some ice. Shake vigorously. Use the lime wedge to moisten the lip of the glass. Dip the glass into a plate of rimming salt. Pour the drink into the glass and serve with the lime wedge.


  1. That's the thing isn't it? It's the only decent restaurant in Notting Hill and almost the only goo one in London, but it's quite small, so under pressure.

    Add to that the fact that they send waiting diners from Lucky 7 next door, and you have a recipe for ... well, a very successful business for Tom Conran aside from anything else!

  2. Indeed- And I just found out the Tom Conran also owns The Cow down the street! But for some reason I find that place ridiculously overpriced.. maybe I'm just a sucker for Mexican food.
